What Happened in Ottawa?

We had lots of fun last weekend in Ottawa!
Jordan made himself at home right away instructing us to turn on ALL ceiling fans.

Here he is helping Pappy Mousseau hide the cables under the stair tread.
Jordan's a great foreman.
And see his plumber's butt? he he he

Just being cute.
I adjusted the photo, it was a bit dark.

Loving his Mega Blocks!
And he was very good at putting them together too.
Great LEGO prep!

And here he is at my sister's piano inherited by our aunt. Jordan was was keen to sit at it quite a bit.


VIC and DEAN said…
Love the picture of him sitting on the steps. No more baby boy! He's such a young man!
Chris said…
Better watch that plumber's crack. Autumn likes to stick her finger into those apparently. LOL. Looks like you had a great time over the weekend. Will be good to visit with you this weekend.